Keep Your Personal Time Personal: Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

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If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s the value of self-care—and self-care doesn’t just come in the form of spa trips and meditation. It’s also about creating healthy boundaries and establishing a better work-life balance for yourself and those around you, so they know exactly where the line is. That way, they don’t cross it!

By some estimates, nearly one-third of the workforce will be working from home by the end of 2021. And while WFH brings a lot of perks (midday workouts, anyone?) it also comes with a lot of pitfalls. Instead of feeling like you can detach and unplug, it often leads to that “always on” feeling that stresses us out to the max and leaves us exhausted and burnt out—especially for B2B biz owners who equate hours worked with profits earned!

But one way to curb your stress is by setting healthy boundaries, not just with your online hours but also with the people you work with. That way, they know when and how to respect your private time so you can unwind, relax, and recharge, all without interruptions. 

Establishing healthy boundaries is one of the BEST forms of self-care. It helps you learn to ask for what you need and amplify your voice, all while helping you manage your energy and build sustainable habits. What’s not to love? 

Try these tips and tricks to keep your work relationships separate from your personal ones for a better balance overall.

1. Keep it off the ‘gram

If you feel like your employees, coworkers, or clients are seeping into your personal life, avoid following or tagging them across your social media platforms. That way, your long-time B2B client isn’t sending you memes at midnight, and you can enjoy your offline time with your family and friends IRL. Also try not to respond to texts from your employees after hours (whether they’re work-related or not!) to send a clear message about your availability. 

2. Turn off your notifications

When you hear your email inbox ping, do you have a Pavlovian response? That might mean it’s time to turn off your notifications after hours. If you have a client who loves to work late, and you’re constantly getting Slacks, forwarded emails, and status check-ins after you log off, try setting expectations. Clearly let them know you will take a look at things in the AM and respond in order of priority. That way, you can fully focus on your personal life and your work tasks instead of splitting your attention.

3. Intentionally build your professional network

Fill your professional social circle with people who have a similar outlook. Whether that’s really taking time off when you’re OOO or simply muting those Slack notifications after 6:30 pm, having a like-minded network will help you stick to your boundaries and celebrate your success in doing so!

If you’re ready to get down to business and create some healthy boundaries, join our FREE Swagger Spot community to get work-life balance insights and ideas from other B2B biz owners!

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