IRL or Online? How to Network While Working from Home

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While working from home has GREAT perks like ditching a 1-hour commute, there are some downsides too. If you’re feeling isolated on your own little island, it might be time to start rethinking how you network. Try out our digital networking tips to expand your connections, even in a Zoom-first world!

Create Your Own Swag Circle

Just because you can’t get coffee IRL, doesn’t mean you can’t connect with professionals in the same industry or industries you’re looking to move into. Find Slack groups or Facebook communities that fit the bill. From professional associations to working moms, there are endless groups out there where you can connect.

Online Events Are Your New BFF

Start attending webinars, seminars, workshops, and any other online event you can find. Not only will you learn something along the way, but you can also chat and interact with others who are interested in the same subject. That way, you can hone your skills AND meet new people all at the same time!

Leverage LinkedIn

There’s power in community! Start posting and commenting more often on LinkedIn to become more visible to your network. You can also start direct messaging people to set up informational interviews, or connect with other industry professionals to expand your reach and get your name in front of more eyes.

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