3 ways to own your voice when pitching corporate clients

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You shouldn’t have to change who you are to pitch corporate clients. As an independent consultant seeking to expand your business and serve more organizations, cultivating a strong personal brand will open doors to new opportunities. But how do you bounce back when you’ve exhausted your current network and you need to grow beyond referrals to land more corporate contracts?

We interviewed our Swagger School client Yael, a mindfulness and well-being consultant, to discuss the growth mindset needed to expand her B2B customer base from primarily serving higher ed institutions to pursuing corporate clients.

Lead with your authenticity

Watch the video to explore the top 3 ways Yael stayed true to herself at the negotiation table when pitching corporations:

  • Recognize that you are the special sauce – your unique brilliance is exactly what corporate buyers are seeking right now so don’t water down your personality just to fit in, even if you don’t speak the corporate lingo
  • Know your numbers – it is possible to achieve a wider impact by broadening your sphere of influence to target organizations so you can hit your revenue goals faster when you fully own the value of your expertise during negotiations
  • Be proactive in building new relationships – the shift from having corporate clients fall into your lap to proactively building a sales pipeline full of hot prospects can be easier to navigate in a supportive community of fellow consultants

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