What is Your Meaningful Purpose and How Do You Find it?

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It’s easy to lose your way on the path to wellness. Between more time spent at home, less time socializing with friends, and no trips or travel to look forward to, it can feel hard to put your wellness first. But instead of opting out of wellness completely when you fall off the wagon, why not look at it from a new perspective instead?

Instead of thinking of wellness as something singular, let’s break it down. Our Ka-Isang Method looks at wellness from every angle with an evidence-backed approach to the Nine Essentials to Achieving Total Health.

What that means is that, instead of your wellness just being determined by the number on the scale, it’s about so much more than that. Things like social connections, financial stability, your work life, and your mental health all contribute to your overall wellbeing.

But one element of wellness that too often gets overlooked is one of the most important: your meaningful purpose. Instead of just going through the motions, figure out what makes you really, truly happy, and embrace it! It will help you shine brighter than ever before and lead a life that brings you joy.

Check Your Mindset

Above everything else, what matters most when searching for your meaningful purpose is your mindset. If you’re not mentally ready, it’s hard to set an intention to move in a new direction. Our thoughts inform our actions. So be sure you’re in the right headspace!

Instead of focusing on hunting down your life’s meaning, let it come to you. Do some soul searching, meditate to open up, and let life take you on your own journey—there’s no right or wrong way to do things.

Only you can look within yourself and find what’s best for you. And no matter what that answer is, the important part is that you do the work! By prioritizing your holistic wellness and working the steps, you’re already on the right path to get your sparkle back.

Find Your Passions

Once you’re open to all of the possibilities, start looking around you. Think about makes you happy—not just run-of-the-mill happy, but grin on your face, jumping up and down, jazz hands happy! More often than not, you’re probably already gravitating towards your meaningful purpose without even realizing it. So why not start where you are?

Think about where you love to spend your free time. Do you sit down at your desk to read or write because you love storytelling? Or maybe you can’t wait for the afternoons when you get to help out at your local school or volunteer with a local animal shelter.

Those moments in your life that spark joy speak volumes about who you are—and what your meaningful purpose really is. Take a close look at what gets you up in the morning and use that to fuel your inner flame. Once you start to feed that meaningful purpose fire, it will help you nourish all the other parts of your wellness, too.

Embrace Your Strengths

You were given amazing gifts, so it’s time to put them to use! Maybe you’re a people person and excel at communications, or maybe you’re good with your hands, and fixing stuff is up your alley. From getting crafty to mastering your craft, this is a great time to showcase your unique skills.

Take a look at your natural talents, and embrace the things you’re best at with open arms! Lean into where you excel, so that you can help yourself and help others do the same. By embracing who you really are, you’ll make a difference where it matters and let your inner fierceness shine.

Need help uncovering your own meaningful purpose? Book a Swagger Sesh today to get started!

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