Craft Your Corporate Offer

TUES JUNE 13TH | 12 – 1:30 PM ET

There are 13 million Women running businesses in the United States.

heck to the yes!

A good portion of those women hit a $1million. (Yes, Sis!)
And about 50% of those women do so by… *gulp* landing corporate contracts. Oh. Crap. She said the “C” word.

Yup, I know what your gut did just then. It’s a little like a meat grinder started up in your stomach. Because sure, a hot mil sounds fab… but how TF are you supposed to do that?

B2B sales training woman standing in city street wearing Boss Lady Tshirt with a yellow bus behind her.


you’ve already had someone knocking on your door

They were all, “Hey, you know that thang you do? We want you to do it for us.”
And how did you respond? Yup. Like a deer in headlights who didn’t even know what was coming straight at them.

You lock eyes. You hear their words. And then panic sets in. It’s cartoonish how slowly you closed the door when opportunity was right there begging for you.

All because it all felt a little too much, too fast, and with zero tools to do it. If only you had a bangin B2B sales strategy to laugh all the way to the bank.

Slay your next corporate pitch and land yourself a 5-6 figure contract.

I'm sure you're wondering...

But… is this even for me?
This whole corporate thang?
Aren’t we supposed to hate the corporate vibe?

Hold the breaks, friend. I know the concept of reaching out to corporate is… well… bonkers. Especially when it comes to asking for money to the tune of 6 figures. But let me assure you this, if you have…

a zone
of genius

which you do

been asked to speak at someone's organization

It’s probably happened

Ever thought “A sustainable income sounds sweet”

It damn well does

Then the answers to the questions above are yes, yes, and YES! (Even the corporate one. Promise, you’re not selling your soul to buddy up with “The Man”.)

Gain multiple streams of wealth, health, and joy by raising the bar on your B2B deals.

b2b sales strategy that delivers Real results

Woman sitting at desk giving customer review of B2B sales training.

I went from being stood up on sales calls to closing 50k in contracts!

“I love that I can be my authentic self and be successful in corporate. I went from being stood up on Zoom calls to closing 50k in corporate contracts by licensing my curriculum. It’s been my biggest quarter!”
2022 Swagger School Grad

So long, burnout!

So here’s the thing. You’ve got this business, right? And chances are, you’re rocking it, and rocking it well.

How do I know? Oh, because you’ve had other businesses stop you and ask for your expertise, knowledge, or your time to donate to their organization

(We’ll have to have a talk about those “donations” in the future. For now: just stop it. You deserve the actual, factual bills, Sis)

Oh and I know so because you’re here. On this page. Considering “What if I just did this one thing?” 


Let me tell you...

This one thing could very well change every thing in the future.

Because up until now, you’ve been offering your services with your entire heart, chasing down client after client, selling individual products to individual people. And all of that results in you running around like a chicken whose lost its head, trying to find whatever the next thing is to actually make a profit while doing what you love.

When all is said and done, you’re left tired and out of breath. And the idea of doing it all over again drains out any energy you might have magically had left over.

Newsflash: It wasn’t much in the first place. It’s all in the B2B sales. 

Man and woman talking in a corporate space about B2B sales training.

Command your next 5-6 figure contract, and stop the chaotic running with a proven path to leveling up your B2B sales skills so you can negotiate with confidence.

Break the ceiling and create a whole new floor

This Pop-up Mastermind is built for business owners who are ready to break out of the room they’ve built around themselves and learn the tools that open up new possibilities.

B2B Sales Strategy

Wanna know a secret? Pitching to corporations doesn’t have to be like throwing spaghetti at the wall. You don’t have to try and try and try a thousand different possibilities just waiting for one to stick…only to change around the entire foundation the next time.

Nope. There are 5 foundations to a sales cycle, and learning what they are gives you the leg up to repeating that cycle again and again, so you can save years and never have to start from complete scratch again.

Go-to-Market Strategy

No one ever said that jumping into B2B in full force is a piece of coconut cake. But it’s a little more like a plate of grey mush when you don’t have a roadmap. You can stick your fork in it, but you’ve got no idea what’s in store for you 10 seconds from now or a month down the road.

Explore our P.I.T.C.H. methodology so that you 1) Know where the pitfalls are before you get to them and 2) navigate around them every time the business environment decides to up and shift again.

Hot Seat Consults

It’s all well and good to have a proven roadmap and a stellar strategy. But what about YOUR stuff? What about the actual offer you want to create?

Guess what? That’s what Hot Seat Consults are for. We want you to go to your next pitch with as much confidence as a five-year-old wearing a Wonder Woman costume. So go ahead, ask the questions you need so you can walk into that meeting with the confidence you want.

VIP Bonus 1:1 Swagger Sesh

Me. You. Your powerhouse pitch. VIP Access gets you personalized guidance on each deal So go ahead, bring what ‘cha got. And let’s bang out a deep dive into it, so you can approach your next corporate client without armpit sweats.

Our VIP only upgrades get you the guidance and accountability to keep you on track with your sales goals in between B2B deals. Nail each powerhouse pitch in our pop up FB group to keep soaring high.

This pop up mastermind will give you the foundation you need to shatter your current glass ceiling and reach the next one. Go from sweat to swagger with the utmost confidence, commanding the dollar amount your genius deserves in your next corporate sales conversation.

b2b sales strategy that delivers Real results

Woman sitting in home office giving success story from being a part of a B2B sales group course

I know what to offer to extend the lifetime value of my customers

“This was such a powerful experience. I learned how to expand my service offerings, extend the lifetime value of my customers and who I need to be talking to secure more corporate contracts”
2022 Swagger School Grad
Let's get started

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guest pass

Take your brilliance and shine like the star you are.


Because you want to soar in every room with confidence.

Either choice you make, you’ll be on your way to confidently show up at your next negotiation table with a sweet 5 or 6 figure corporate offer. Love, that’s the kind of deal I’m here for.

Um. Yes. Definitely. Go back up to the top of this page if you need clarification on that.

The women who are earning $1million, are those who are closing corporate deals.

I want your name to be on that list. Right next to Spero, Enspire Energy, and Beyonce. (Can’t you just picture it?) But here’s the problem: (Note: it’s not you)

The moment you go searching for the templates and how-tos and the “10 best ways to level up your business,” you get swarmed with the tips and tricks that work for the trade.

The trade of business to consumer, that is. Been there. Done that. Got exhausted from it. Now we wanna get to the next spot with ease.

There is no converting the tried and true tricks of B2C to B2B.

You need a new foundation. One that can build you up bigger. Better. And exactly the way you want without selling out. (More on that below)

This pop up mastermind just happens to be the foundation that does that. Join us for our next pop up. Because you deserve to be on that list of million-dollar businesses. And Swagger School is here to give you the confidence to get there.

You’re not a sell out!

Not even in the slightest.

See, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of industry disruptors.

A. Lot.
And when you go around the block once or twice getting to know these brilliant minds, you get to see a few trends.
Sure, trends like the “Boss Girl” lingo and all the leaving toxic work cultures in droves (you swore you would never go back) vibes.
But other trends, too.

Like, the kind of game changers who thrive in their businesses are the kind who do it with heart.

They know they’re doing good in the world, and they believe their impact will ripple out into the universe to shake things up for future generations.

So when it comes to the idea of working with the “big bad” corporate world, it feels a little like betrayal at the worst of it.

After all, that’s why you went into business yourself, right? You wanted a one-way ticket out of that mess indefinitely.  The good news is that we don’t follow trends…we set them.

Two women standing back to back in front of a fence with no fear, smizing

working with corporate isn’t a betrayal, and it doesn’t make you a sell-out.

It’s an opportunity to dip your brilliance into the waters of a bigger audience so that your ripple effect is even bigger. This is your next bold step. Learn the foundations to work with corporations, so you can make the impact that tossed you into entrepreneur-land in the first place.

All you need is the right jump-start to understand how to make the next perfect pitch.


general admission
guest pass

Take your brilliance and shine like the star you are.


Because you want to soar in every room with confidence.