bank on your
B2B business case

A Swagger School® Pop Up Workshop on

The Path to Closing with Confidence in 2024

TUES NOV 28 | 12 – 1:30 PM ET


Can ya hear that? it's opportunity knocking.

in a wild economy, corporate buyers are more likely to make data driven business decisions and so should you...

Fun fact: consulting was one of the fastest growing areas in terms of job growth during the Great Recession according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Consultants solve problems and during economic downturns there are a lot more problems to be solved. Further, companies that downsize often lack specialized expertise and are more likely to hire a consultant than a full time employee.

Independent consultants, industry experts and thought leaders are better poised to capture a bigger piece of the revenue pie because they lack the high overhead costs and bloated fees of big brand firms. Yet many biz owners aren't positioning themselves well to land bigger corporate contracts without essential evidence.

build the business case to secure your next 5, 6 or 7-figure deal in any economy

So what’s the problem?

If you’ve been viewing external market conditions as internal business failures, now is a great time to think again.  The problem isn’t that you suck at sales. It’s that you haven’t yet learned to make the business case to pitch and land the B2B deal you deserve in any economy. Is this you?

  • Your sales have plateaued or have been trending downward within the past 6-12 months…
  • The length of time between initial conversation to signed contract has grown longer…
  • Your deal size has remained steady but you’ve yet to close those multi-6 or 7 figure corporate contracts you’ve been dreaming of…

You’re still left with one big question: “What’s the missing puzzle piece?”

Take action with the

bank on
your b2b business case

and watch your new pitch come to life.


forget about playing a numbers game

does the math math with your corporate contracts?

step away from the hamster wheel hustle

Okay, okay so you’ve already tried outsourcing everything from marketing content to sales copy and may have even asked ChatGPT.

You attempted to set it and forget it by investing in costly agencies, lead generation companies or appointment setters but only wound up with your brand getting overlooked, dismissed and ignored. 

You jumped on the visibility bandwagon and despite being featured on everybody’s podcast, stage and media interview you still haven’t been able to consistently convert those eyeballs into cold hard corporate cash.

Let’s be real: Making the business case is CEO work.

It’s time to skip the mass market mambo and start doing this one thing better.  You need a bankable business case.  It’s about effectively communicating your value so you can command the attention of your target corporate buyers and stop the endless cycle of of the hamster wheel hustle of pitches that only wind up in proposal purgatory.

Real clients. real results.

FROM 6 Month dry spell to closing 250k in a single corporate contract!

"I negotiated my first quarter of a million dollar gig. I am much better with packaging my expertise and being confident in telling my story. After Swagger School, I can now say no to clients that don't align to my values. That confidence is everything!"
Recent Swagger School Grad

it's not you, it's definitely them

To win deals during uncertainty you've gotta get outta your head and into the buyer psychology of corporate execs.

How do I know? The number one thing C-Suite executives want happens to be the number one thing missing whenever I conduct corporate proposal audits.

Let’s face it. You’re done being the smartest person in the room, discounting your services for exposure and are ready to ensure that your brilliance is bankable in every boardroom.

Oh and I know this is your time to shine because you’re here. On this page. Wondering “What will make my dream corporate buyers invest big right now?” 

here's what's inside this pop up workshop


Bank on Your B2B Business Case:
The path to closing with confidence in 2024

In an economic downturn, it’s all about the ROI.  You can’t just waltz into B2B boardrooms shouting show me the money, honey! We will break down why the business case is your missing link and identify what triggers corporate clients to invest in consulting and professional services. Discover 3 negotiation strategies to rapidly convey market value for those pitching 5, 6 and 7 figure corporate contracts in 2024.

Diverse group of women in group program and 1:1 consulting service.

Measure What Matters

Identify the key metrics that many business owners overlook, but matter the most to sustain momentum in your biz during economic uncertainty.

Modify Your Message

Assess where your B2B messaging needs to shift right now in order to better align with key purchasing triggers to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

Maximize Your Mission

Refine your delivery model in a way that accelerates your capacity to serve more organizations while staying true to yourself so that you can amplify your impact

Hey superstar, I am Anniedi!

I've been there done that and got the t-shirt in closing corporate deals.

For over  20 years corporate execs have hired me to help them make the business case to their boards and C-Suite teams to fund initiatives.

And now I want you to be able to connect the dots to the ROI.

Because you and I both know that the fake urgency, false scarcity and other sleazy sales tactics that you’ve been taught by online marketers simply won’t work for closing corporate contracts.

You can’t manipulate your way into bigger B2B deals. Corporate buyers require a more sophisticated sales savvy.

And if we’re being honest, it’s not your mindset that’s been keeping you from adopting shady business practices.  It’s your integrity.

You are unwilling to compromise your values or your standards to fit in with the status quo or to keep up with the toxic Joneses.

After all, that’s why you went into business yourself, right? You wanted a one-way ticket out of that mess indefinitely.  The good news is that we don’t follow trends…we set them.

This is not a time to wing it if you want to win corporate clients in a zero fluff economy. It's time to ditch the guesswork when busy C-Suite execs are looking to you for answers...

Can we get nerdy for a sec? You’re a genius. But that insatiable curiosity you have to soak up all the knowledge makes you wanna fixate on fussing with your corporate offer when you need to be focusing on what makes your audience tick.

What’s it costing you to acquire a new corporate client? It’s not enough to “know your numbers.” You’ve gotta know theirs too.

As in what makes the largest organizations in the world come knocking on your door to get the goods.

You don’t have to be a data scientist unless you’re into that sorta thing.  But you are gonna need a plan to inform data driven business decisions if you wanna tango in the boardroom in 2024 and beyond.

This isn’t paint by numbers strategic planning.

let's take your corporate pitch all the way to the b2b bank with swagger school®

You’re not an impulse purchase. Your worth is priceless. Let’s make sure your corporate clients know your true value so you can keep ’em returning for more.

take action today!

bank on your b2b business case

the investment is: $197
all purchases final & non-refundable


Answers to help you make the right decision for your unique journey.

This live training will be held from 12-1:30 pm ET on Tuesday, 11/28. The training will be recorded and replay will be made available for a 7-day viewing window via our Backstage portal before being exclusively limited to Swagger School members.

Yes! Whether you previously worked in a corporate environment or not, if you want to pitch higher paying buyers and do not currently have a plan in place create a compelling business case for why organizations should invest in your services, then this pop up workshop was designed with you in mind!  This workshop will be most beneficial to you if you’ve served at least ONE organization in the past (e.g., consulting, speaking, coaching, training, or professional services). 

We are unable to guarantee outcomes as there are a wide range of variables that impact results given that each business varies.  Past client successes and sample testimonials shared for Swagger School programs do not guarantee future results.

Did you know that over half of women entrepreneurs (54%) who hit 1 million in revenue do so by landing corporate contracts?  One B2B deal can be a major game changer for your business growth goals. 

Corporate executives already have budgets earmarked for exactly what you have to offer simply by leveraging your existing expertise.  Amidst quiet quitting, layoffs and a massive labor shortage, organizations are forced to do more with less in-house talent and are outsourcing now more than ever before.  A high level gig economy is emerging due to increasingly decentralized labor market.  These are all trends that will continue to contribute massive growth to a 3 trillion dollar professional services sector!

Additionally, supplier diversity initiatives and company mandates are fueling the search for BIPOC and women-owned businesses.  If you want to drive exponential revenue growth for your biz, this is a prime time to prepare to land more 5, 6 and 7-figure corporate contracts and stand out in a noisy market by filling your B2B sales pipeline now!